Michael Liang is a licensed Acupuncturist, Licensed Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and Licensed Massage Therapist . Michael has a plethora of practical experiences and accompanying researches in related natural therapy fields......
Maria is a Registered Acupuncturist in Ontario where she studied and graduated from the Toronto School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She has also been a member of the faculty of the same school where she teaches Acupuncture and theories in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Sumeet Kaur, a dedicated physiotherapist with 15 years of experience in treating musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. She specializes in pelvic floor physiotherapy, providing personalized care to individuals facing pelvic floor issues. Her goal is to guide patients through their recovery journey and empower them to achieve optimal health......
Amy est un acupuncteur enregistré et un praticien de MTC. Elle a obtenu son diplôme de médecine et sa maîtrise. de l'Université médicale de Shandong et a ensuite poursuivi son doctorat en cardiologie. Elle a été médecin spécialiste en médecine interne et cardiologie pendant 9 ans en Chine ......
Holly Zheng est un acupuncteur agréé CTCMPAO.Holly est né dans une famille médicale chinoise. Son grand-père et ses parents sont tous deux des médecins TCM très respectés. Ils ont personnellement géré et exploité leur propre clinique tout au long de leur carrière ......
Wei Li completed his doctor degree in TongJi Medical College and proceeded his post doctorate fellow in University of Toronto. He is a Registered Massage Therapist of Ontaro and a part-time professional massage teacher.
Stephanie is qualified as a Registered Massage Therapist of Ontario. Stephanie joined Dekang Medical in 2022 and focus on pain release, emotional disorders, children massage and cometic beauty...